Thursday, 14 July 2011

The Law Of Non-Resistance - And How Does It Make You Happy

Just 1 day after I posted my previous blog, I came across an article talking about the Law of Non-Resistance. What in the world does that mean? Then when I read on, much to my surprise, it's as if the writer was reading my mind, thinking and saying my words. Here's the extract:-

"You may be in a situation you hate and that you are resisting, not realizing that it is this very resistance that is keeping you stuck and preventing you from moving forward in your life.

You need to be able to accept yourself and your present circumstances as it is. This doesn't mean that you don't want to improve or to achieve or have more. But you need to accept that this is the way things are now. And you need to learn to be happy right now and not postpone your happiness for some time in the future when you have achieved all of your goals and dreams.

This isn't easy, but it's vitally important. Because until you stop resisting, the negative situation will persist in your life. 
You need to understand that where you are right now is a result of your past thoughts, feelings and actions. And when you resist this present state you are giving energy to it."

Sooo... in my situation, I was referring to my marital status. But the Law of Non-Resistance can be applied to all aspects of our lives - money, career, world peace etc.

Take a look at this site if you want to know what are the other Laws that we should govern our lives by...

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